Generations in the Workplace: Millenials

The workforce is rapidly changing. Instead of climbing the ladder through one career path during a lifetime, it’s now said that people go through 6 different careers in their life. In addition, it’s possible to have five different generations of people in the same office. This completely different career structure can be a shock.  Here are a few different strategies for working with one of the generations: Millennials.

First, familiarize yourself with the characteristics of Millennials. This generation is made up of people born between 1977 and 1997, meaning that while many of them are extremely young, some of them are in their 30s as well. The Millennial generation tends to be best with technology, expects and utilizes collaboration tools, and is familiar with non-traditional working practices (such as telecommuting) since they have grown up with these new options. With all generations, it is important to note that not every person fulfills the stereotype; some Millennials may have a more traditional view of work, while some Baby Boomers might enjoy telecommuting and utilizing new technology.

Once you have established who qualifies as a Millennial, it will make it simpler to understand certain behaviors. The next step is to adapt. Be open to learning new technologies and methods. For example, if your office is starting to allow telecommuting or using a new software, avoid being the last person to make use of it. Try and find the benefits and applications of emerging media and you may find yourself as an early adopter instead of a late bloomer. Knowing the tools of the trade will also assist you in communicating with Millennials who are often already accustomed to this technology.

Overall, communicating and working with other generations is not as challenging as it may seem at first. The key is to understand the perspective of other generations and be willing to adapt and communicate.

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