Using Twitter Lists for Networking

Networking online doesn’t have to feel forced or intimidating. By using built-in tools, like Twitter’s lists, networking can be made simpler, more genuine, and more efficient.

Twitter lists are an underused feature that can streamline your networking online. Lists are curated by Twitter users to essentially contain any group of users. You can view a feed of the list’s users separately from your main feed, and the users are also notified that you placed them on the list, if you make your list public.

So how can you use Twitter lists for networking? Start by compiling a list of influential people in your industry. You can search through hashtags, keywords, or simply search for key players you already know about, like authors, industry leaders, and so on. Add these people to a single list with a descriptive title.

You can repeat this process with any type of industry or group of people. Clients or potential clients, professional contacts, and anyone else you want to get to know can have their own list. Just remember to set the privacy – a “potential clients” list should probably be private, for example.

Now that you have your list created, there are a few ways to make it work for you.

Check Often for Industry News

One benefit of having industry leaders all in one place is being able to quickly check for upcoming stories, events, and important information. Instead of trying to sort through your main Twitter feed, check your lists a few times a week and keep up with whatever is happening.

Respond and Discuss

When checking on your lists, be sure to engage with others. Replying, retweeting, adding tweets as a favorite, and participating in discussions can all help you establish yourself as an expert on the subject.  In addition, engaging with these other users comes in handy if you ever need to reach out for a favor, a blog post, or any other contact, since they are already familiar with you.

Reach Out

Don’t forget to initiate some of the discussion! Drum up some interesting chatter on Twitter by linking to articles, asking questions, and sharing thoughts. You can tag some of these individuals from your list to ask for their thoughts and show your skills as an industry professional.

Lists are an easy way to keep track of certain groups on Twitter, and by saving you time, can allow you to formulate more detailed, genuine responses. Keeping track of contacts on a social network doesn’t have to be hectic.

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