Interviewing: Expert Tips to Close the Deal, Part 3

After the Interview

Previously, we discussed how to prepare before the interview and how to make a good impression during the interview. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what to do after the interview to set yourself apart from other candidates.


Before you leave the company, ask for every interviewer’s business card. This can be done as you are meeting or as you are leaving. If something intervenes and you don’t get a business card, be sure that you take notes on names of everyone you meet. This will help you identify contacts on the company website and figure out email addresses.

Once the interview is concluded, you will want to follow up with each interviewer. An email thank you note is perfectly acceptable in today’s job market. Keep the note short; in the first sentence thank the interviewer for their time. In the second sentence make a positive comment about the job or the company or the hiring manager’s plan for the position. In the final sentence, reiterate your interest in the position.

Be sure to send a thank you to each interviewer and make the notes different. When they compare notes, all the good will you developed by sending a thank you will evaporate if they see that you didn’t make the effort to differentiate the notes.

An email thank you letter is fairly simple and quick. You might also consider sending a typewritten or handwritten note by mail. Again, personalize this longer note to each interviewer. In this way, you have sent an almost immediate thank you note and another note that arrives in the mail 3 to 4 days later.


With every interview you are learning to communicate more effectively and you are gaining confidence. This is demonstrated as you begin to get positive outcomes such as job offers!

However, when you don’t get the job, you can still learn from the experience. If possible, contact the hiring manager or the recruiter and ask for feedback. Knowing why you didn’t get the job – you are over or under qualified or you just weren’t a good match for the culture – can help you prepare for the next interview.

With the knowledge gained from the previous interview, you can avert issues and red flags from the very beginning. You can address the hiring manager’s concerns with straightforward, direct explanations that present your qualifications in the best possible light.

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